
Celebrating inclusivity through writing

By: Emma Rasmussen

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (UATV)-  The Writing Studio in collaboration with One Book One Community, is hosting a writing competition surrounding the book Sitting Pretty, by Rebekah Taussig. 

Sitting Pretty, is Taussig’s memoir, specifically elaborating on her life as a wheelchair user and facing an able-bodied world. Katie Ditchkus, Writing Studio Graduate Assistant, says the book provides a point of view that most people do not realize. 

“We live in such a fast-paced, quick-knowledge society that if it doesn’t impact us directly, we might miss others’ struggles.”

Themes from the book, including belonging, ableism, and inclusivity, are being used as inspiration for the competition’s writing prompts. 

“We hope this competition encourages students to think about the ideas given to us by society and how they aren’t meant to define our thoughts or motives,” says Ditchkus. 

The competition is open to all undergraduates and there are three categories for students to participate in: poetry, persuasive essay, and non-fiction/fiction work. 

Lauren Copley Sabon, chair of One Book One Community, says this contest came about as a way to interest students in this year’s common read.

“I feel it is a way to connect the student body with the great resources at the Writing Center and engage their creativity and critical thinking skills surrounding the themes of accessibility, belonging, and representation.”

First, second, and third place are set to win money, a copy of Sitting Pretty, a meet and greet with Taussig, and a mention or publishing in Newswire. 

All entries are due by October 27th at 11:59p.m.