
UAPD investigating reported rape in Maple Hill East, fourth reported on campus this semester

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (UATV) — The University of Arkansas Police Department daily crime log confirmed that a rape was reported in Maple Hill East Wednesday, March 3.

Officials say the alleged assault took place January 21 between midnight and 9:00 a.m.

The case remains open and UAPD has not named any suspects.

The latest report marks the fourth rape case opened by UAPD this semester.

The news comes just two weeks after a controversial email sent by the University regarding the increase in rape cases on campus.

Some students took issue with language in the email that many believed came across as victim blaming.

“I think if the email took any action at all, it would be helpful, but for the moment it appears to be empty virtue signaling,” U of A student Jordan Smith said in response to the email.

University officials soon acknowledged the issues with the email and its language.

“It’s clear that the University needs to play a more proactive role in supporting programs that work to reduce sexual assault and rape,” said Dr. Lisa Corrigan, director of the U of A Gender Studies program. 

UAPD has not confirmed whether any of the cases have been closed, though officials have acknowledged the increase in rape and assault cases on campus.

“The number is unusual, in that we do not like to see these kinds of crimes being committed,” said UAPD Captain Gary Crain.

Crain commented on the “sad state of things,” on campus; noting that in all four cases reported this semester, the victims and suspects were allegedly affiliated.

Dr. Corrigan spoke in support of Title IX training for students as a means of combatting assault on campus.

“The data are clear: when universities support sexual education curriculum, gender studies programs, and provide consistent spaces for discussing healthy sexual contact on college campuses, assault decreases,” she said. “The UA can do much better in all of these areas.”