New Sue Walk Burnett Journalism and Student Media Center Dedication

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By: Julianna Clipson

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – Alumni travel from different parts of the country this week to attend the dedication the new Sue Walk Burnett Journalism and Student Media Center Friday, Oct. 12. Kimpel Hall, located on one of the busiest corners of the University of Arkansas campus got a facelift and re-opened its doors this semester. The new Student Media Center features a student newsroom, control room, studio, and much more.

“It’s the biggest blessing for everyone for years to come,” Senior at the U of A and UATV Station Manager Drew Smith said.

Smith has been an involved journalism student throughout his time at the university and he said this new facility not only improves the content the student media groups produce, but it also creates a community among the different outlets.

“It’s drastically improved not only the physical structures, but also the interoffice relationships we have,” said Smith.

“For the first time lines have come down and walls have come down,” Director of student media Robyn Ledbetter said.

Ledbetter said she has already seen a major impact among students with the new converged media style. She said the new facility also is going to help bring in new volunteers and create a conversation about student media.

“We have a presence now and we are at the corner of the busiest part of campus,” said Ledbetter.

“People are getting more interested and popping in to see, ‘oh what’s that building attached to Kimpel,’” U of A Senior and UATV News Director Chloe Matthews said.

Matthews said with UATV being a student-run television station this new facility could help get more students wanting to join. She credits the staff and opportunities the journalism program offers to her success finding internship opportunities. Matthews as well as Ledbetter say this the program is just going to continue to grow and advance.

“We are preparing graduates. They are getting jobs,” said Ledbetter.

“I mean shoot for the stars because I don’t think anything is slowing Arkansas down at this point,” said Matthews.