University of Arkansas

Student Television

University of Arkansas

  • UA Autism Symposium Cost To Increase

    UA Autism Symposium Cost To Increase

    by Drew Smith FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — A discounted attendance cost for the University of Arkansas’ Autism and Developmental Disabilities Symposium expires on Friday. The cost for professionals will increase from $165 to $190 at the close of business Friday, but the cost for families and students will remain at $50. Speakers for the two-day event…

  • New Security Division On Campus

    New Security Division On Campus

    by Drew Smith FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — The University of Arkansas added a new Security Division to enhance the 40-officer Patrol and Police Services unit on campus. The program needs students over the age of 18 and interested in law-enforcement careers to apply for new positions. Security officers will work on a flexible time shift, focusing…

  • New Books Highlight UA Community Design Center Projects

    New Books Highlight UA Community Design Center Projects

    by Drew Smith FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — Newly published books, “Conway Urban Watershed Framework Plan” and “Houses for Aging Socially: Developing Third Place Ecologies,” focus on plans developed by the University of Arkansas Community Design Center, an outreach program of the Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design. The Community Design Center partnered with the University…

  • School Threats Increase In Arkansas

    By Jarrett Hobbs FAYETTEVILLE, Ark – Since the school shooting in Parkland, Flordia that claimed the lives of 17, there has been an increase in threats against schools in Arkansas and the rest of the country. Hackett, Star City, Berryville, McGehhe and North Little Rock schools have all reported incidents concerning threats to school safety.…

  • Acapella Group Preforms Friday

    Acapella Group Preforms Friday

    By: Erica Rankin FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – University Programs will host BackTrack at 7 p.m. on Feb. 23. The group will preform in the Union Theatre on the fourth floor of the Arkansas Union. This performance is sponsored by the University Programs. It is through the Office of Student Activities and is supported by the Student…

  • AIM Conference to Attract Underrepresented Students

    AIM Conference to Attract Underrepresented Students

    By: Erica Rankin FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – The University of Arkansas Black Graduate Students’ Association will host the Attracting Intelligent Minds Conference from Feb. 22 to Feb. 25. The goal of the conference is to give more opportunities for prospective graduate students from underrepresented populations. They want to feed information to the students about U of…

  • Students Will Lose Financial Support if Trump’s Plan Passes

    By: Katherine Hill FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – President Trump revealed a new proposal in his spending plan on Monday. The budget is set to eliminate subsidized loans for students and cut back on income-driven payment plans. In addition, federal work study financing will decrease and there is no intention on keeping the Public Service Loan Forgiveness…

  • Housing Department Looks For an Organization For Its Leave Green Program

    By: Luke Rossi FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – University Housing asks for community organizations to accept donations. Housing’s Leave Green is a program that gives the donated items to a charitable organization. At the end of each year students donate their old clothing and household appliances that they don’t need. The donated items usually include clothing, electronics,…

  • Ash Wednesday At The U of A

    By: Savannah Miller FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – The Wesley College Ministry hosted a 30-minute service to celebrate Ash Wednesday. The Registered Student Organization welcomed all U of A faculty, students and others to attend this event. The service began at 7:30 a.m. and those who attended received ashes and began their celebration of Lent.  

  • Student Entrepreneurs Remember Arkansas Graduates

    by Nanci Flores FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – Known as the longest tradition in miles and years, Senior Walk carries the legacy of all Razorback graduates. For one student run, non-profit business the unique tradition serves as an opportunity learn about entrepreneurship outside the classroom. Students can enroll in the four thousand level marketing class called S.A.K.E.…

Fayetteville, Arkansas

University of Arkansas