University of Arkansas

Student Television


  • Theft Rate Rising on Campus

    Theft Rate Rising on Campus

    Theft is on the rise on campus. According to police,  last month there were 27 reported thefts at the U of A. Authorities say most of the crimes on campus are crimes of opportunity. Police say laptops, iPods and other electronics are the most common items stolen on campus. One helpful tip is to keep…

  • UAPD Offering Free Car Safety Checks

    UAPD Offering Free Car Safety Checks

    With Spring Break right around the corner, UAPD is offering students free vehicle safety checks. Car inspections will cover all outside car lights, turn signals, wiper blades, oil fluid, tire pressure and a horn check. UAPD is continuing the event after its successful turnout last year. Checks will be done at the police sub-station on the east side…

  • UofA Weekend Crime Report

    UofA Weekend Crime Report

    In your weekend campus crime report:  UAPD arrested one person for trespassing in the HPER building, and one student was arrested in Pomfret Hall for criminal mischief and minor in possession of alcohol.  A student also reported a video game disc was stolen from the technology center in the Union.  This is the second video…

Fayetteville, Arkansas