University of Arkansas

Student Television

transit and parking

  • Problems arise on campus as enrollment increases

    By: Andrew Altman FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (UATV) — The number of out-of-state students at the University of Arkansas has continued to increase over the years. This fall, only 46% of students are from the state of Arkansas. This is even though the number of Arkansans attending the U of A is the highest that it has…

  • No Fall Break 2010; Possible Evening Parking Charges

    The will be no Fall Break this year, thanks to actions taken by the Faculty Senate.  The University Calendar Committee approved two additional days off before Thanksgiving in the Fall 2010 semester.  However, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee did not approve the move, because its members were unsure whether the days should be in October…

  • Liveblogging ASG Senate – Feb. 16

    8:00 – Don’t forget – ASG Town Hall meeting tomorrow in the Union Connections Lounge from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.  Free food and your chance to have your voice heard in person. 7:59 – Lots of new legislation that’ll be voted on next week.  I’ll be liveblogging once again. 7:57 – Resolution 8 passes…

Fayetteville, Arkansas

transit and parking