University of Arkansas

Student Television

The Department of World Languages

  • Cherokee language course expected to be offered full time

    Cherokee language course expected to be offered full time

    Photo courtesy of Lawrence Panther By: Yael Even  FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – The Indigenous Studies Program looks to expand as they offer a Cherokee language course full-time in the fall.  Lawrence Panther, a Cherokee Native and speaker of the language will teach the courses, which will now be available at multiple time slots. Panther taught classes…

  • University Offers New Way to Get Foreign Language Credit

    University Offers New Way to Get Foreign Language Credit

    By: Julianna Clipson FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – The Department of World Languages now provides more options on how to meet University world language requirements. The department already offers 11 different languages for students to choose from, but now graduate students will have the opportunity to study abroad in order to obtain foreign language credit hours. The…

Fayetteville, Arkansas

The Department of World Languages