University of Arkansas

Student Television


  • Washington County Row security

    By: Tanner Shotwell FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (UATV) – Row festivities have Washington County security on high alert in preparation for the event. Row is an annual concert weekend hosted by the fraternities at the University of Arkansas. Several fraternities group up to come together with enough money to host artists of their choice to perform for…

  • New Security Division On Campus

    New Security Division On Campus

    by Drew Smith FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — The University of Arkansas added a new Security Division to enhance the 40-officer Patrol and Police Services unit on campus. The program needs students over the age of 18 and interested in law-enforcement careers to apply for new positions. Security officers will work on a flexible time shift, focusing…

  • Threats Lead to More Security at Bentonville HS

    Threats Lead to More Security at Bentonville HS

    Due to the recent bomb threats at Bentonville High School, heightened security policies will be put in place. Students will now have to sign in AND out if they leave class for any reason. Several bathrooms in the school have been closed as well. The threat Tuesday is the 3rd in about 6 weeks and the search…

Fayetteville, Arkansas
