University of Arkansas

Student Television


  • President Biden gives “Soul of the Nation” address Thursday night

    President Biden gives “Soul of the Nation” address Thursday night

    Photo Courtesy: AP News By: Beau Russell President Joe Biden addressed the nation from Independence Hall in Philadelphia on Thursday night to discuss the “Soul of the Nation.” The President began his speech by appealing to patriotism, pointing to the success of the founding of the United States and the strength of democracy. The tone…

  • UofA Elects New ASG President and Cabinet

    UofA Elects New ASG President and Cabinet

    The Associated Student Government has a new president. U of A students elected Junior, Daniel MacFarland from Keithville, Louisiana who is majoring in animal science. Nearly 15-hundred students voted in this year’s election. Other officers elected are Vice President Amy May West, Secretary Kelsey Furr, Treasurer Mike Wyse, and Chair of Senate Ray Todd.

  • BREAKING NEWS: President of University of Arkansas System Announces Retirement

    B. Alan Sugg released a statement earlier today announcing his retirement effective June 30, 2011.  Sugg has served at the University of Arkansas System president for the past 20 years. Statement from Sugg: “It is with mixed emotions that I inform you that I will be retiring as the President of the University of Arkansas…

  • Highlights from the President’s State of the Union Address

    We face big and difficult challenges.  And what the American people hope – what they deserve – is for all of us, Democrats and Republicans, to work through our differences; to overcome the numbing weight of our politics.  For while the people who sent us here have different backgrounds and different stories and different beliefs,…

Fayetteville, Arkansas
