University of Arkansas

Student Television

pat walker

  • New self guided health and wellness app for students

    New self guided health and wellness app for students

    By: Emma Rasmussen FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (UATV)-  The Pat Walker Health Center’s Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) has partnered with “Welltrack Boost” to bring students an interactive app to help with their mental and physical health.  Welltrack Boosts provides a variety of resources and tools.  One of the apps features are wellness assessments. These assessments help…

  • Bivalent vaccine available at Pat Walker

    Bivalent vaccine available at Pat Walker

    By: Kate Balser FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (UATV)- The FDA approved COVID-19 vaccine, Bivalent is now available at Pat Walker Health Center.  Pat Walker has approximately 600 hundred doses available of the Pfizer-BioNtech Bivalent vaccine. Bivalent is currently only available to students, faculty and staff and appointments are required. The vaccine is free at Pat Walker besides…

  • University rewarded $699,604 to improve COVID sensor

    University rewarded $699,604 to improve COVID sensor

    By: Kate Balser FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (UATV)- The National Institute of Standards and Technology awarded $699,604 to the University of Arkansas to improve a wireless COVID-19 sensor. The small, low-cost detection device is anticipated to give immediate and accurate results as well as determine whether the coronavirus variant is infectious or not. The principal investigator for…

  • Campus Walk Promotes Eating Disorder Awareness

    Campus Walk Promotes Eating Disorder Awareness

    By: Julianna Clipson FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – Millions of people in America struggle with some sort of eating disorder or body image issues. Pat Walker Health Center plans to raise awareness on campus and break down barriers surrounding eating disorders. Pat Walker encourages you to join members of their Eating Disorder Treatment team in organizing a…

  • Pat Walker Wants to Raise Awareness for Eating Disorders

    Pat Walker Wants to Raise Awareness for Eating Disorders

    By: Ramsey Minto FAYETTEVILLE, Ark.– Pat Walker Health Center’s Eating Disorder treatment team is organizing a campus awareness walk. On April 19th, everyone is invited to join at the Arkansas Union Fountain to walk around campus and spread awareness, tackle myths surrounding the illness, and to empower those who need to seek treatment. The walk…

  • ACHA Releases Toolkit to Address Sexual and Relationship Violence on Campus

    ACHA Releases Toolkit to Address Sexual and Relationship Violence on Campus

    By: Julianna Clipson FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – The American College Health Association Publishes a new tool-kit to aid universities in addressing sexual and relationship violence. The tool-kit provides guidance for campuses and communities to become trauma-informed. The University of Arkansas is utilizing the tool-kit to continue improving  prevention programs and incident-response services. Trauma-informed approaches focuses on…

  • Yoga Helps Students Think Clearly

    Yoga Helps Students Think Clearly

    By: Nick Camper FAYETTEVILLE, Ark – The University of Arkansas offers several ways to better your mind. Pat Walker Health Center offers free yoga classes for students every week. The purpose of these classes are to create a safe space for students who suffer from anxiety and stress. “If you’re constantly being pushed up and…

Fayetteville, Arkansas

pat walker