University of Arkansas

Student Television

health care

  • Flu vaccines and Bivalent COVID-19 vaccines offered at Pat Walker Health Center

    Flu vaccines and Bivalent COVID-19 vaccines offered at Pat Walker Health Center

    By: Elena Thompson  FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (UATV) – Flu vaccines and Bivalent COVID-19 vaccines are available at the Pat Walker Health Center.  The annual flu vaccination is available for all members of the University of Arkansas community, including spouses and dependents. According to the Arkansas Department of Health, there is no out-of-pocket cost for the flu…

  • Senator Cotton’s Fights for Affordable Medication Legislation

    Senator Cotton’s Fights for Affordable Medication Legislation

    WASHINGTON, D.C. — Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton along with four other Senators released the Preserving Access to Cost Effective Drugs Act (PACED). This legislation is geared at reducing medication patent abuse and therefore lowering the cost of medications for patients. In a statement Cotton said, “It’s far past time that we crack down on patent abuse,…

  • Breaking: Health Care Bill Going Back to House

    After more than nine hours of voting on amendments to the health care bill, the Senate adjourned Thursday morning and will reconvene later Thursday morning at 8:45am to finish voting on amendments. There will be no more amendments heard after 1pm Thursday. A spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says the bill making changes…

  • UPDATE: Senate Begins Voting on Amendments to Health Care Bill; New Calorie Count Now Law

    SECOND UPDATE: After more than seven hours of debate and voting, the first day of voting on amendments of the health care has moved from day one to day two. 23 amendments have been brought to vote in front of the Senate and none of the attempts were successful in trying to send the bill…

  • President Obama Signs Executive Order on Abortion Funding Limits

    President Obama signed an executive order today making sure that existing limits on the federal funding of abortions will remain in place under the new health care reform law. This was part of a deal made with anti-abortion Democrats in exchange for support of the health care bill. Representative Bart Stupak of Michigan led anti-abortion…

  • Health Bill, Now Law, Moves Back to US Senate and Faces Challenges from States

    With the ink still drying from President Obama’s signature, officials from 14 states have started the process of suing to block the health care law from going into effect. These attorneys general say the law’s requirement that individuals buy health insurance violates the Constitution. Thirteen of those officials filed suit in a federal court in…

  • Deal with White House on Abortion Rights Helps Push Through Health Care Legislation

    Michigan Representative Bart Stupak, a leader of House Democrats opposed to abortion rights, announced today that he will vote in favor of health care reform.  This announcement came only after a deal was made with the White House.  His support basically ensures the passage of the health care bill. President Barack Obama will issue an…

  • March Madness….on Capitol Hill

    After almost a year of debate over health care, it all comes down to today. The reform bill has been picking up steam in recent days and Democrats are now confident that they have the 216 votes needed to pass this historic legislation.  But Republicans have promised to do what ever they they can to…

Fayetteville, Arkansas

health care