University of Arkansas

Student Television


  • Department of Education Grades Schools

    Department of Education Grades Schools

    By: Ben Glodowski LITTLE ROCK, Ark.- The State Department of Education released the report cards for its public schools from 2016-17. The department compiles data each year as part of the Arkansas Every Student Succeeds Act. The act took effect in 2015, and it assigns each public school in the state a score, which translates…

  • Threats Lead to More Security at Bentonville HS

    Threats Lead to More Security at Bentonville HS

    Due to the recent bomb threats at Bentonville High School, heightened security policies will be put in place. Students will now have to sign in AND out if they leave class for any reason. Several bathrooms in the school have been closed as well. The threat Tuesday is the 3rd in about 6 weeks and the search…

  • Bentonville HS Released Early Because of Bomb Threat

    Bentonville HS Released Early Because of Bomb Threat

    Bentonville High School students were let out of school early today because of a message written on the boys bathroom wall. A custodian found a bomb threat in the bathroom this morning. Bomb squad and police were called to search the building. The school was on lock down for two hours before letting the students go…

  • Bentonville After School Shuttle Up in the Air

    Students in Bentonville could be at a loss for transportation. The district currently shuttles about 500 students to three different Boys and Girls Clubs for an after school program every day. The board is looking at cutting the funding for this program and parents are worried. This service costs the school district about $1.25 per…

  • New Details on Bentonville Murder

    New Details on Bentonville Murder

    New details are out about the death of 6-year-old Jersey Bridgeman. According to police the Bentonville girl died of asphyxiation in an abandoned house near her home on November twentieth. Six days later the girl’s neighbor, 28-year-old Zachary Holly was arrested in connection with her death. Holly is being held in the Benton County jail…

  • February 10th, 2010 Headlines

    Walton Arts Center Readies for Expansion The Walton Arts Center approved measures Tuesday that will ready the Fayetteville landmark for growth and expansion into the future. Board of Directors Chairman Jeff Schomburger says the “Walton Arts Center is not moving, but we are growing and expanding. The coming months will be an exciting time as…

  • Housing Deadlines; Wal-Mart Lays Off Employees

    Tonight on UATV:  The deadline for priority Housing contracts is closing in fast, only two weeks away  There are now more ways than ever to get that dorm at the top of your list.  Jennifer Cope joins us in studio tonight with more. Plus we have more news on the layoffs at Wal-Mart in Bentonville…

Fayetteville, Arkansas
