University of Arkansas

Student Television


  • Expired Elevator Service Tags

    Elevators are used by students and faculty on campus daily. There are more 130 buildings that belong to the U of A and most have elevators. The majority of them also have expired service tags. According to the Arkansas Department of Labor, elevators should be checked semi annually, and serviced at least once a year.…

  • Unhealthy Study Habit

    With finals just around the corner many students may be finding it difficult to stay awake and concentrate long enough to properly study. A studying trick that has become popular amongst college students is to take Adderall, a medication prescribed to people with ADHD. While this medication may help with concentration, it can cause serious…

  • Abortion Bill Under Fire

    The American Civil Liberties Union has filed a federal law suit against the new abortion bill in the state of Arkansas. The bill bans abortions from 12 weeks of pregnancy onward. The lawsuit claims that the law is unconstitutional, and is looking to block the law from taking effect this summer, and to strike down…

  • American Airlines Delays

    Transportation around the nation was harder than usual today, as American Airlines grounded flights for several hours. There was an outage in the reservation system, causing the airlines to hold most of its flights until 4 pm. Flights into the five biggest airports, New York, Dallas, LA, Chicago, and Miami were stopped until 4:30, today.…

  • Kip Moore Headline Concert Performer

    Kip Moore Headline Concert Performer

    The University of Arkansas Headliners Concert Committee is putting on their annual free concert featuring Kip Moore this year. Kip Moore is an up and coming singer who sings hit songs “something about a truck”, “Beer Money”, and “Hey Pretty Girl”. Some students are disappointed that a more popular artist was not chosen, but the…

  • Renovations Expected in Downtown Fayetteville

    The plans to begin the Downtown Fayetteville Entertainment Parking Deck are nearly set in stone. The City Council met and approved the plan and they will be voting on the architecture plan soon. The parking deck will be located behind the Walton Arts Center and will cost around 6.1 million dollars. The Utilities Director of…

  • Race for Governor Nomination Heats Up

    A former United States representative will be running for governor in the 2014 race. Asa Hutchinson declared his candidacy through his official twitter account and will be seeking the Republican nomination. In 2006, Hutchinson’s run for the governor seat fell short. Since then Hutchinson has worked towards school safety for the National Rifle Association. Curtis…

  • The Iron Lady Dies at 87

    Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was pronounced dead today at the age of 87. According to her spokeswoman, Thatcher passed this morning following a stroke. Thatcher was Britain’s first and only female Prime Minister and the only British Prime Minister of the 20th Century to win three consecutive terms. She served from 1979 to…

  • Mayflower Oil Spill Could Bring Legal Action

    Exxon might have more to clean up than just oil after the Mayflower oil spill last week. Two Arkansas residents are filing a law suit against the oil company worth more than $5 million. According to the lawsuit, more than 19-thousand gallons of oil spilled, forcing six residents to evacuate. Exxon has not responed to…

  • Bentonville High School Hires New Principal

    The Bentonville School District has chosen the next principal of Bentonville High School. Doctor Chad Scott has been an assistant principal at the high school since 2009 and willingly accepted the position. The decision will be approved at the District’s Board of Education meeting April 15th. He will take over the position for the 2013…

Fayetteville, Arkansas
