University of Arkansas

Student Television


  • Greek Life Through The Years

      Greek Life Through The Years Click on the link above to watch an in-depth slideshow of photos compiling the University of Arkansas’ Greek history, featuring the voice of Greek Life Director Parice S. Bowser.         The pictures featured in the slideshow above depict the changes in Greek Life at the University…

  • Technology at the U of A

    Throughout the years, the University of Arkansas has made sure students are fully equipped with the latest technology. Besides the eight computer labs located on campus, the university has provided much advancement in the technology available to students. From the university website, to enrollment, to scannable ID cards, to an array of technical devices and…

  • AD Long-ing to Better UA Athletics

    When Arkansas athletics director Jeff Long agreed to replace long-time director of athletics Frank Broyles, the expectations were high, to say the least. Broyles, also a national champion football coach for the Razorbacks, not only hired numerous coaches, including John McDonnell, who led the Arkansas track and field program to 40 national championships and Nolan…

  • UA Chancellor: Construction Pain Will Lead to Gain

    As the University of Arkansas continues to make competitive strides in its academic and residential facilities, Mike Johnson, the UA associate vice chancellor for facilities, said about $175 million worth of construction should be finished by the time classes begin on Aug. 26. Johnson said there are five facilities scheduled for completion before the fall semester…

  • Max Rosen Party House owner interview

    Max Rosen PH owner interview audio

  • Why You May Need More Sun!

    Are you excited for summer weather to be here? So is your body! The much-publicized injury to Louisville basketball player Kevin Ware on March 31 has put a spotlight on Vitamin D deficiency, a condition that affects over three-fourths of Americans. Vitamin D’s job in our body is to absorb calcium into the blood and…

  • Hundreds Walk for Multiple Sclerosis

    Those wanting to find a cure for multiple sclerosis met Saturday morning to participate in the annual MS Walk. The walk was began five years ago by Josh Carr and his brother when they wanted to get more involved in helping to find a cure for the disease. “My mom has MS and we decided…

  • Are We Safe?

    Are We Safe?

    Safety in Public Places from Tucker Travis on Vimeo. By Tucker Travis After national bombings and threats to campus safety in the past week, it’s a scary thought that the target of an attack could be anywhere. Although public areas are difficult to completely protect, campus security professionals say that all it takes is a…

  • Abortion Debate

    Abortion.Debate from Mallory Jordan on Vimeo. University Programs brought the state wide abortion debate to campus this past week. Mary Hallan-Fiorito and Katie Stack each debated their stance on the issue. Fiorito said in her opening statement, “Those who are voiceless, those who are vulnerable, those who are dependent, are those people that deserve additional…

  • Sorority Recruitment

    <iframe src=”″ width=”500″ height=”281″ frameborder=”0″ webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> <p><a href=”″>Sorority Recruitment</a> from <a href=”″>Carley Gibson</a> on <a href=””>Vimeo</a>.</p> Live Shot: With the school year coming to an end, U of A greeks are trading in their study groups for recruitment practices. The Panhellenic houses are getting ready for the potential new member seeking to become…

Fayetteville, Arkansas
