University of Arkansas

Student Television


  • Think Pink Week

    To kick off breast cancer awareness month, the first week of October is Think Pink Week at the University of Arkansas. Sorority Zeta Tau Alpha hosts the week, as its one of the main fundraisers for their philanthropy, breast cancer awareness and education. Throughout the week the sorority hosts events such as the Pink Pancake…

  • Solar Pizza

    Solar Pizza Web Copy: If you want pizza that’s powered by the sun, you can find it on Leverett street. Eureka Pizza recently became the first pizza company in Arkansas to use solar panels for their energy needs. How does it work? Well when the sunlight hits the panels on the roof of Eureka the…

  • U of A Bookstore Kiosk

    “Being able to see touch feel and look at all the different options in person is much better than being able to see it online.” The University of Arkansas has opened a new kiosk at the campus bookstore that hopes to make the graduation process easier. The interactive kiosk opened a few weeks ago and…

  • Little Free Library

    Gulley Park is home to the newest Little Free Library, one of six installments across Fayetteville. Little Free Library is a unique book exchange that runs on the honor system. Simply pick out a book, take it home, and return it whenever you want. You can even add your own book to the library. While…

  • U of A Terrace Renovation named the Arkansas Union was named one of the best in the country 17th in fact, but this doesn’t mean there isn’t room for improvement. Students are always looking for more places to sit, hangout, and study.  Sue Donohue of University Affairs says. And one of the most recent improvement was the renovation to the…

  • Study Abroad Safety

    Every year students from the University of Arkansas travel all around the globe and it’s not uncommon for students to take several trips throughout their time at the U of A.  While these trips are fun it is important for students to remember their personal safety.  Dede Long Director of the Study Abroad Office says…

  • Crossfit and Rhabdo

    Known for their extreme military style workouts that push their athletes to the limit, CrossFit gyms have been popping up all over the country. News of CrossFit’s “dirty little secret,” Rhabdomyolysis, has recently been circulating the web. Strength coach and owner of CrossFit 540, Trevor Belline, describes Rhabdo as a massive breakdown of muscle tissue in a short amount…

  • HOGstache Initiative

    The new HOGstache initiative at the final home football game of the season…was all about men’s health. Red mustaches were distributed to the student section to help raise awareness for various male health issues. Dean Melissa Harwood-Rom says it’s important to increase awareness and encourage men to get checkups and practice healthy lifestyles. On average, men have a shorter life…

  • Lights of the Ozark

    Preparations for the annual Lights of the Ozarks festival are being undertaken by Fayetteville Parks & Recreation workers, the Grounds Maintenance Crew Leader for the department said. Approximately 3000 hours of labor go into putting up the lights, Crew Leader Michael Molloy said. Upon completion, the city square will be glowing with over 300,000 LED…

  • Fayetteville Public Library Expansion

    The Fayetteville Public Library recently bought the old city hospital.  This land will nearly double the size of the current library by adding 80,000 square feet.  In 2005, the library was voted as America’s Favorite Library and they are trying to regain that top spot.  David Johnson, Library Executive Director, says there’s something special about…

Fayetteville, Arkansas
