University of Arkansas

Student Television


  • Housing Department Looks For an Organization For Its Leave Green Program

    By: Luke Rossi FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – University Housing asks for community organizations to accept donations. Housing’s Leave Green is a program that gives the donated items to a charitable organization. At the end of each year students donate their old clothing and household appliances that they don’t need. The donated items usually include clothing, electronics,…

  • A New Study Shows That Playing Video Games Can Increase Brain Activity

    By: Luke Rossi FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – Researchers at the University of Arkansas discover that playing video games for one hour can have a positive affect on the brain. U of A assistant professor of human development, Weiyi Ma, was a part of the research team that included researchers at the Key Laboratory for Neuro-information of…

  • The University of Arkansas Celebrates The Life of Florence Price

    By: Luke Rossi FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – A three-day celebration of the life and work of Florence Price, an African-American composer, begins today in Giffels Auditorium. Price is known for becoming the first ever African-American woman composer when she had her compositions played by a major orchestra at the Chicago World’s Fair. The Little Rock native…

  • Arkansas Tax Cuts For Top Income Groups

    By: Savannah Miller FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – Governor Asa Hutchison works to cut taxes for the top income tax bracket. Hutchison made comments via Twitter hoping to give back to the state of Arkansas. This proposal will begin at the beginning of next year.  Hutchison plans to reduce the state income tax by $108 million.  

  • Ash Wednesday At The U of A

    By: Savannah Miller FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – The Wesley College Ministry hosted a 30-minute service to celebrate Ash Wednesday. The Registered Student Organization welcomed all U of A faculty, students and others to attend this event. The service began at 7:30 a.m. and those who attended received ashes and began their celebration of Lent.  

  • Potential New Policy For Guns On Campus

    By: Savannah Miller FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. –  Arkansas Representative Bob Ballinger and Senator Trent Garner proposed to remove the second part of training for concealed carry. This would allow gun owners to carry weapons in public restaurants, airports but even more important for students, college campuses. The training required to carry legally would decrease to eight…

  • Arkansas Receives Poor Grade in Nation-Wide Election Security Study

    FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – The Center for American Progress (CAP) released its study results on Monday and Arkansas landed an F. The report was driven by safety concerns after the U.S. confirmed Russia’s influence in state voting systems. CAP graded all 50 states by analyzing interviews with election officials. No states received an A and the…

  • Get Your Flu Vaccination on Campus

    By: Katherine Hill FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – Pat Walker Health Center has teamed up with the Washington County Health Unit to host a flu vaccine clinic. The event will take place Friday, Feb. 16 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Arkansas Union Food Court. Bring your insurance card if you have one and remember…

  • Smoking Now Banned in Local Parks

    By: Nitya Kumar FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – Smoking is banned at certain locations in the city of Fayetteville. Smoking is currently banned in restaurants, shops, theaters and retailers. The parks and recreation advisory board proposed to now ban smoking from all city parks and trails. The board decided it’s best for parks to go smoke-free for…

  • Life is a Dream Debuts this Weekend

    By: Nitya Kumar FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – The University of Arkansas’ theater department opens Life is a Dream this weekend. The play was originally written by Pedro Calderón de la Barca and was first published in Spain in the 1630s. The university’s department of theatre production is an original adaption of this spanish golden age, adapted…

Fayetteville, Arkansas
