University of Arkansas

Student Television


  • Judge Delays Trial Over Arkansas’ Lethal Injection Method

    Judge Delays Trial Over Arkansas’ Lethal Injection Method

    By Hannah Bagley LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – A federal judge delays a trial over Arkansas’ lethal injection method. After Senior Assistant Attorney General Jennifer Merritt made a statement saying that the setting of execution dates and ordering of new lethal injection drugs has been put on hold until next spring, U.S. District Judge Kristine Baker pushed…

  • Fayetteville Teen Charged After Breaking and Entering

    Fayetteville Teen Charged After Breaking and Entering

    By Chloe Matthews FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — The Fayetteville Police Department released new information Tuesday about a burglary at The Vue apartment complex off Stadium Drive and MLK Jr. Blvd. Police charged Michael Irvin, an 18 year old Fayetteville resident, with two counts of Residential Burglary, Voyeurism, and Theft of Property. An anonymous source identified Irvin…

  • UAPD Investigates Reported Rape On Campus

    UAPD Investigates Reported Rape On Campus

    by Drew Smith FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — The UA Police Department continues investigating a reported rape in a campus dormitory. UAPD received a report of “an alleged acquaintance rape” that took place in Humphreys Hall on Aug. 16, according to the UAPD Daily Crime Log.  The incident took place between 2-5:30 a.m. and involved two 18…

  • Police Cracking Down on Distracted Driving

    By Mazie Vincent FAYETTEVILLE Ark. Arkansas drivers might want to think twice before replying to an email or texting while driving. The national campaign you drive “U drive, U text, U pay” is in full effect. “We have traffic patrol special assignments. A person might call that a crack down, but what it is, we…

  • Local Organization Teaches American Sign Language in NWA

    By Mazie Vincent FAYETTEVILLE Ark. Priscilla Scanlan teaches American Sign Language to people in Fayetteville every week. She is deaf too, but didn’t grow up like most other children who lost their hearing. “I didn’t learn sign until i was 20. I grew up oral because my parents didn’t believe in sign language. My mother told me…

  • Students Pedaling 1,700 Miles for Human Trafficking Awareness

    Students Pedaling 1,700 Miles for Human Trafficking Awareness

    By Mazie Vincent FAYETTEVILLE Ark. “I think it’s easy to look at this it and think it’s way too big to help or make a difference and I think that the heart behind Pedal the Pacific is to be a voice for the voiceless,” Carranza said. Mattie Carranza is one of a handful of University…

  • Campus Carry Law In Effect

      By Mazie Vincent FAYETTEVILLE Ark. – Many questions were expressed to the U of A – knowledgeable about the newly expanded concealed carry laws. The new law states that individuals with concealed handgun permits can bring their guns on campus if they’ve completed an Arkansas State Police enhanced certification-training course. Although the law went into…

  • International Students Struggle For Job Opportunities

    by Nanci Flores FAYETTEVILLE, Ark.-With spring commencement around the corner, many Arkansas graduates hope to land their dream first job. For internationals students, immigration status can create an uncertain future. International students graduating must have a job offer if they want to legally stay in the United States, but few companies will accept applications from…

  • UAPD: A View From the Passenger Seat

    by Nanci Flores FAYETTEVILLE, Ark.- University of Arkansas Police Department serves to keep students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors safe. For most people, patrol officers represent the first point of contact with university police. Officer Tara Wilder said being part of UAPD meant a lot of it was patrolling and trying their  best to be…

  • Career Fair Scheduled to Help PROMISE Employees

    Career Fair Scheduled to Help PROMISE Employees

    By: Bradley Bullock FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – A career fair has been scheduled for workers finishing up their fifth year in the PROMISE program. Employers from across the state will gather Thursday, May 10, at the Marriott of Little Rock to speak with PROMISE employees and accept job applications. PROMISE is a research program that was…

Fayetteville, Arkansas
