by Drew Smith Faculty members from the University of Arkansas’ School of Journalism and Strategic Media found pictures of students wearing blackface in old Razorback yearbooks. On page 305 of the 1967 Razorback yearbook, one blackface image shows four students from the engineering fraternity, Theta Tau, putting on a skit while apparently wearing blackface. Other…
by Kelly Miller FAYETTEVILLE, Ark.–Today is National Vet Girls Rock Day, a day celebrating the female veteran. According to Veteran Affairs, only 10 to14 percent of military personnel are women. Among student veterans, females overrepresent with rates jumping up to 21 to 27 percent. National Vet Girls Rock day was founded by Vet Girls ROCK…
by Kelly Miller FAYETTEVILLE, Ark.–This month marks National Heart Health Month which highlights an issue that college students on campus normally do not concern themselves with. People ordinarily assume heart disease only concerns people who are overweight or middle aged, but a study in 2014 by the Advances in Nutrition Medical Journal indicates otherwise. According…
by Kelly Miller FAYETTEVILLE, Ark.–Blackface has been making headlines from coast to coast and students are talking about it on campus. Last month, a video surfaced of two female students of the University of Oklahoma wearing blackface and saying the N-word. This sparked backlash and media scrutiny upon the Oklahoma campus. Blackface appeared again in…
by Moe Ellis RazorBACK to the 90’s opened in Silas H. Hunt Hall earlier this month. The shelves of memorabilia and artifacts highlight the university’s accomplishments throughout the decade. The exhibit’s creator and graduate student Mariah McElroy said the project was inspired by nostalgia. “Our inspiration for the RazorBACK to the 90’s exhibit was a…
by Moe Ellis FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — The Associated Student Government hosts Safety Week beginning Monday. The goal of the event is to bring awareness to five important safety topics including the Safe Ride program and sexual assault awareness. “The whole idea behind Safety Week is to raise awareness for the resources that the University provides…
by Moe Ellis University Programs sponsors Swap Till You Drop, a five-day clothes trading event. Students can bring clean, gently-used clothes to the Arkansas Union to donate or trade. The University of Arkansas Bookstore, Daisy Exchange and Boss Hog Outfitters are all partners of the event. “We’re trying to promote sustainability and clothing,” said Traditions…
by Elias Weiss (Traveler Contributing Reporter) Marking the completion of their two-month remodel and the eighth anniversary of pantry operation, the Jane B. Gearhart Full Circle Food Pantry opened its doors for a ribbon cutting ceremony Thursday afternoon. More than 50 people came to watch the ribbon cutting and tour the food bank. The remodel…
by Ian Hoke (Traveler Staff Reporter) Leaders of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity attempted to educate students about how they can avoid unhealthy relationships and dating abuse at an event Jan. 29 called “Crazy Stupid College Love.” The Associated Student Government Office of Financial Affairs board members invited several guest speakers to the event to…
by Katie Allen (Traveler Staff Reporter) Students received free tax assistance from the UofA this past week. This is the first year the UofA has provided free tax assistance for any students or faculty at the Wellness Center on campus, according to the UA Division of Student Affairs. Center for Community Engagement, the Northwest Arkansas…