University of Arkansas

Student Television

Specialty Shows

  • Kip Moore Headline Concert Performer

    Kip Moore Headline Concert Performer

    The University of Arkansas Headliners Concert Committee is putting on their annual free concert featuring Kip Moore this year. Kip Moore is an up and coming singer who sings hit songs “something about a truck”, “Beer Money”, and “Hey Pretty Girl”. Some students are disappointed that a more popular artist was not chosen, but the…

  • University of Arkansas Fall Concert

    University of Arkansas Fall Concert

    The Flaming Lips will perform at the University of Arkansas in Barnhill Arena on Sunday, November 4th. The concert is part of the University’s Headliner Concert Committee from the Office of Student Activities. A limited amount of free tickets will be given to U of A students as part of their pre-paid student fees. Tickets…

  • Individual World Poetry Slam

    The Individual World Poetry Slam Competition came to Fayetteville last weekend. Bringing with it 72 of the world’s most renowned poets. Competitors shared their talents and bared their souls for audiences over the course of four days.

  • Jane Goodall Coming to the U of A

    Jane Goodall Coming to the U of A

    Fayetteville, Ark. – The Honors College and the student Distinguished Lectures Committee is bringing distinguished primatologist and conservationist Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE, founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and a United Nations Messenger of Peace to the University of Arkansas.  The renowned Dr. Goodall will be the headliner of the Honors College’s 10th birthday celebration…

  • UA ASG Debates

    UA ASG Debates

    This is the raw video footage of the Associated Student Government, President and Vice President Debate. There will also be a debate live on UATV’s Campus Crossfire, Wednesday from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. here at Campus Crossfire is a live political debate show, so if you have questions, comments, and concerns, call in…

  • Folk Music Fridays

    Folk Music Fridays

    While it’s not officially a band, a select group of students host a jam session on campus. UATV’s Lindsey Haney has all the information.

  • Off the Mat UFC 142 Predictions

    Off the Mat UFC 142 Predictions

    It’s 2012, time for a fresh start. A new year and new contracts. The UFC moves forward with their partnership with Fox Broadcasting company with UFC 142: Aldo vs Mendes live from the HSBC Arena in Rio de Janeiro. Below are our views on this Brazilian packed card and our reasons why we think this…

  • Off the Mat: UFC 141 Predictions

    Off the Mat: UFC 141 Predictions

    It may be off time for UATV on line, but we’re still coming at you with all of our prediction know how! Our egos are pretty big after being awarded with a prestigious National Broadcast Society Sports Program Award. Without further stroking of them here’s our award winning analysis and UFC 141 predictions (couldn’t resist…

  • Off the Mat: UFC 140 Predictions

    Off the Mat: UFC 140 Predictions

    Our season finale  is almost here! The monumental event UFC 140 promises to be is not at all exaggerated. This could be the most explosive main event of the year and that’s saying something with the astounding success the UFC has seen this year.  Bernard Oliver – The 5 Star General Mark Hominick vs Chan…

  • UATV fifteen years later

    UATV fifteen years later

    After 15 years of student productions, UATV has grown into a more reliable source of on-campus news and information. UATV’s Tony Cosgrove and Judy Luna collaborated and talked to the faculty and staff that make UATV a learning environment for journalism students.

Fayetteville, Arkansas

Specialty Shows