
Zeta Tau Alpha set up pink lights for breast cancer awareness

Photo Curtesy: Jeffery Johnson

By: Paige Edmund

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark (UATV) — Even though Christmas is still months away, Zeta Tau Alpha is making sure that their lights have a deeper meaning this year. 

The lights will be pink this year to signify Breast Cancer Awareness and the struggle that many women and men face. 

Each sorority has a specific philanthropy which they work with and spread awareness about. The national philanthropy for Zeta Tau Alpha is breast cancer.

Sophia Briggs, a senior Zeta member, speaks on the importance of this event. 

“Each year, for the month of October, we show our love for breast cancer survivors by shining bright pink lights outside of our house. It is a visual reminder that we see and respect breast cancer survivors.”

Briggs also mentioned a special connection she has to breast cancer and how it has affected her family. 

“My grandma passed away from breast cancer. Being able to honor her through something as simple as a house lighting is extremely special to me. As Zetas, our goal is to honor breast cancer survivors in the NWA area.”

Briggs said that one in eight women are diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetimes, but Zeta hopes that it becomes “none in eight.”

David Gretzmier, the light technician stringing the Zeta house, talked about why the sorority chose the pink hue. 

“They wanted to do something different this year. They wanted to put a special emphasis on this month.” said Gretzmier.

October is breast cancer awareness month and the National Breast Cancer Foundation estimates that it affects 310,720 women and 2,800 men. The National Breast Cancer Foundation also states that due to modern detection technology, the survival rate of breast cancer is 99%, but this is only possible through early action. 

Zeta will be hosting a pink pancake event on Oct. 24 where they make and hand out pink colored pancakes. They will also be wearing and handing out pink ribbons for people to have as a visual reminder of this month’s dedication.