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FAYETTEVILLE, ARK- It’s finally gameday for Razorback fans across the state! If you’re headed down today to Little Rock to see the game this evening, I have the latest forecast for you so you can prepare for the afternoon and evening ahead!

If you’re planning on going to the game or tailgating in Little Rock this afternoon, prepare for hot and humid conditions, as well as the potential for pop-up thunderstorms across the area. While severe weather is not anticipated, a few storms across the area could reach stronger levels with 45-55mph winds, lightning, heavy rain, and some small hail. When forecasting keep in mind we can’t exactly predict who will see what exactly, so we cannot determine if impacts will occur during the time of the game. So… With that being said, I would prepare ahead, stay hydrated, bring a poncho, and just be mindful of the radar. If any impacts occur stadium officials should provide information on where to go to get away from a thunderstorm IF one occurs during game time. 

Above is our simulated radar (HRRR) output for around 6:00 PM this evening across the state. If you follow me on any social media you’ve probably seen me criticize the models for not providing excellent outputs in weeks past. This model is no different, so when looking at this don’t get caught up in where these storms are located, as models aren’t perfect with timing and location. The takeaway here is there will be the potential for showers/t-storms across the area, so just be aware there could be the potential during the game, but that DOES NOT MEAN canceling your plans/trip to Little Rock.

Here’s more forecast information from the National Weather Service Office in Little Rock.  

For back home in Fayetteville, if you’re planning on tailgating outdoors this afternoon and evening, we will also have about a 30% chance for showers/t-storms similar to what we experienced yesterday across the area. These will be pop-up cells that remain fairly isolated, produce heavy rain lightning, and maybe some gusty winds, and don’t affect everyone across the region. 

View more information regarding my local forecast on the NEW UATV Weather page! 


-Joshua Wisel