Preparing polling sites for elections

By: Jenna Swope


The 2024 primary election comes to an end this Super Tuesday. The election will have finalized information regarding different races in Arkansas. Two specific races are who the presidential nominations will be, and which two candidates will run for the U.S. House of Representative seat for District Three of Arkansas. 

While it might only take around an average of ten minutes to vote, the election commissioners in Arkansas spend months preparing for the voting season. With the general election taking place November 2024, the training and planning for this has already started. 

The training for the people who work at the polls on election days is both state and federally mandated. Kim Dennison, the Benton County election commissioner, said she also finds a way to provide hands-on experience for those in training during early voting. 

“We try to make sure everybody works at least one day of early voting during that process to familiarize themselves,” said Dennison. “Especially if they haven’t worked before.”

Dennison said part of the training for election workers is how to work with different types of voters. 

“We just ask that they have a friendly face when coming through the door,” said Dennison. 

The environment of a polling site can have a large impact on those who want to exercise their right to vote. Voters may be more inclined to use this freedom if the election location has a welcoming environment and well trained workers. 

The Washington County Election Commissioner Jennifer Price encourages everyone to take the time to cast their own ballot. 

“Every vote counts in those races where those individuals are making decisions for you at the local level, like where your tax dollars are being spent, where your school districts are being built,” said Price. 

Although the primary elections have wrapped up, people are able to start the process of registering to vote for the general election which takes place in November of 2024. Jennifer Price said there are options for registered voters who are unable to make it to the polls on election day. 

“If you’re a university student, it’s important to know that you have options. Now, you may be past the deadline to vote for the primary election if you’re registered in another state,” said Price. “But there are options to let you vote in that state, such as an absentee ballot.”

Dennison said the election workers are the reason polling sites are able to function to their full capacity for the community. 

“I believe that poll workers are a very important part of the process. We cannot make this process happen without them stepping up to help us out. So we appreciate every single one of them,” said Dennison.