Eating Disorder Awareness Week at the U of A

By: Cecilia Stanford

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (UATV) – Eating Disorder Awareness Week takes place from February 26th to March 3rd. 

The U of A CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services) department is raising awareness by hosting three different events on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of this week. 

Cassidy Mansur, CAPS counselor and lead mental health clinician for CAPS eating disorder treatment team said, “Learning about the early warning signs of eating disorders, such as preoccupation with one’s body shape or size, frequent dieting or body checking, difficulties sleeping or concentrating, can be beneficial in helping students seek out care for eating concerns”

The events hosted by UARK Wellness and CAPS will address these early warning signs, self-love, and body-image. A self-love tea party was held on Monday, the 26th, followed by a informational panel surrounding body image on Wednesday. Tomorrow, there will be an outreach event to end the week. It will be held in the union international connections lounge from 10:00-1:00 p.m.