CAPS suicide awareness

By: Gage Morgan

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (UATV) – September marks National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and organizations on campus are aiming to educate students.

Counseling and Psychological Services, or CAPS, and the Associated Student Government are hosting an event at the Union Mall on Sept. 26 to help with raising this awareness. “CAPS is hoping to help students gain knowledge on what suicide prevention awareness month is and allow them to engage in an activity (interactive expression wall) to express their feelings on the topic,” said CAPS Outreach Case Manager, Mahek Lalini. “We are hoping to open conversation about a ‘taboo’ topic and bring awareness to it so it can be prevented campus wide.”

The Pat Walker Health Center along with CAPS both have many mental and physical health resources available to students at the University of Arkansas which can be found on their website.

“CAPS has posted information to their social media to increase knowledge on the importance of this month,” said Lalini.

The CAPS event in honor of Suicide Awareness Month is on Sept. 26 from 12 a.m. – 2 p.m. outside of Hill Coffee at the Union Mall.