Bolivian Immersion event on campus highlights the Multicultural Center’s inclusion efforts

By: Tanner Shotwell

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (UATV) – The Bolivian Immersion event is an example of the Multicultural Center’s emphasis on inclusion for all students on campus.

A major goal for the Multicultural Center is to celebrate and acknowledge students who may feel unseen. In a predominantly white school, minority students need to feel as if the university notices them and their contributions to the community.

The immersion event is an annual event where the center picks a country to highlight it’s tradition and culture. The assistant Director of the Multicultural Center, AnReckez Daniels, said all students should attend the immersion. 

“That event is created for Bolivian students but also for students who don’t identify as Bolivian to come in and kind of learn more and I think this really is so important on a campus that is predominantly white,” Daniels said. 

The immersion will take place in the Union theatre on Saturday, April 1, from 4-7 p.m. The event will provide food, dances, sights, and sounds that are associated with Bolivian culture. The event is free of charge, but they ask that you RSVP prior to attending.

A student and member of the International Culture Team, Maria Fernanda, said people can expect to experience the culture in many different ways.

“You’re gonna be able to dance, you’re gonna learn about tradition, you’re gonna learn about the country, and all these different ways, we’re gonna play games were gonna teach you some traditional dances, nothing too scary,” Fernanda said. 

Maria said she takes responsibility in representing the culture appropriately, and thinks the Multicultural Center does a good job representing people of all cultures.

If you would like to attend the event as a volunteer, they’re still looking for Spanish speakers, dancers, and characters. Contact if interested.