Student success coaches work to offer support to students

By: Madison Smith

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (UATV) –Midterms are coming to an end for students at the University of Arkansas and some students may find themselves struggling in courses.

Students who are finding themselves needing assistance their classes can utilize the different academic success programs on campus any time.

One of the newest success programs on campus are the academic success coaches. Most of the success coaches are also instructors of courses within the college they are success coaches for.

Ann Louise Cole, a Spanish instructor and student success coach, works specifically with students who are retaking language courses and explained how she helps her students succeed.

“I reach out to them (students retaking a language course) and make sure that they have all the resources they need to be successful taking a language course for a second time or potentially however many times,” Cole said. “But then I also work with instructors to catch students who start to struggle a little bit even in their first semester taking the course.”

Cole hopes that having success coaches on campus will benefit students and prevent them from having to retake a course.

“This is such a huge campus, and it is really easy to feel like you fall through the cracks or just feel like you don’t even know where to begin to look for resources when you’re struggling.” Cole said.

Students can visit to schedule a meeting with a success coach.