Pick me up program continues to be successful

By: Madison Smith

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (UATV) –The City of Fayetteville and Genesis Church started the Pick Me Up program in a pilot version, and it has only grown since fully taking off.

The Pick Me Up program works to clean up parts of the city’s trails and homeless campsites while helping support Fayetteville citizens who are experiencing homelessness.

Participants are paid $12 per hour, which comes from the $30,000 that Mayor Lioneld Jordan approved last summer from the city’s trash and recycling fund.

Heather Ellzey, the city’s environmental educator, said that around 40 participants show up every Monday morning ready to work, but there is only enough funding to take a crew of five out. Ellzey said that each week, the five names that are drawn on Monday mornings work three days that week and get paid a total of $150.

Ellzey said the program tries to provide participants with more than just job.

“It’s more than just picking up trash,” Ellzey said. “We want to show these people that they matter.”

Josh Park, Genesis Church, said he’s been moved by his short time being involved in the program.

“It’s amazing to see how hardworking these guys are and it’s great getting to show them that they are worth something,” Park said.

Participants meet at 7 Hills Homeless Center where names are drawn, and breakfast is served before they head out to work. After the work for the day is done, lunch is provided at Genesis Church.

The program recently received funding from the Fayetteville Police Department to be able to hopefully have larger crews each week and for a new vehicle for unloading the trash. Those interested in helping with the program can donate shoes or clothes to Genesis Church for participants.