UA Mountain bike racing team

By: Kaitlin Garza

FAYETTEVILLE. Ark. (UATV) – Warming weather means the start of the season for the University of Arkansas Mountain Bike team. 

As the sport sees an increase in popularity, more and more students are becoming interested in the sport. 

Starting their official second year of competing in races, the team plans on beginning competing in races next month. 

“I’m always talking about racing to anyone that will listen,” said Vice President of the team, Kylie Winbigler.

Winbigler also said that she is always looking to expand the team, as anyone is able to join. The club however, is not considered to be an official sport by the university. 

Considered to be a UREC club sport, the team isn’t fully funded by the university, making it difficult for all members to attend races. Lack of funding also leaves students finding sponsorships for the team all on their own. 

“Hopefully by the end of this year we get good results and the U of A decides to sponsor us, dream come true,” said team officer Sid Ramasubbu.

With Bentonville being the recognized world capital of mountain biking, Winbigler also said the university should consider funding an official racing team. 

“I mean Bentonville is known as one of the best spots to get on a mountain bike and there are so many trails from there to here in Fayetteville, and I think having a team to race could bring in a bunch of people to watch.”

The team plans to host a short track race on April. 22.