U of A’s 20th edition of the Human Library

By: Katie Beth Haidet

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (UATV) – This year marks the University of Arkansas’s 20th edition of the Human Library which will take place March 14-16.

The Center of Multicultural and Diversity Education and the Department of International Students and Scholars announced the 20th edition mid February. 

Human Library Coordinator, Sophia Ordaz said Human Libraries invite our participants, or readers, to “check out” human books, who will tell them stories of their life. 

The Human Library is important because it allows for conversations between people who oftentimes wouldn’t otherwise cross paths. Sociologists have long noticed that to get people to care about social issues and their fellow humans, a certain emotional proximity to these peoples is necessary,” said Ordaz. 

The U of A’s Human Library began in 2009 and is a part of the larger international Human library Organization based out of Copenhagen, Denmark.

“The goal of the Human Library is to give marginalized figures at the University of Arkansas a platform to share their story, which can empower, liberate, and open the minds and hearts of members of our campus community. We hope that participants will leave the Human Library with an understanding that everyone has a story,” said Ordaz. 

This year’s edition is seeking volunteers to share their story. Human books will receive volunteer hours through GivePulse.