988 Hotline adds bilingual options

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By: Beau Russell

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (UATV) – The 988 Suicide Hotline has added bilingual options to help a wider range of people.

The hotline, created in July of 2022, is a way to streamline the search for mental health resources. The same way that 911 connects residents with police services, the 988 hotline connects people to mental health professionals that can guide them in the right direction.

This new bilingual feature is especially important for students who may not speak English, or don’t speak English as their first language. According to a report by the American Psychological Association, more than 75% of college students struggle with mental health issues.

Provided by the Center for Collegiate Mental Health

This number is worrisome because college counselors are already overloaded with cases. The same report states that on average, college counselors see 120 students a year, and in some cases, over 300.

At the University of Arkansas, there are more resources than just the Pat Walker Health Center and the 988 Hotline for students in need of assistance. The Mental Health Awareness Organization, or the MHAO, is a student run organization that focuses on helping students get the resources they need to stay healthy and succeed.

Led by current President Caroline Morton, the MHAO is now working on spreading awareness of the 988 Hotline, and other mental health resources. Students can reach out to the MHAO on Hogsync, or by clicking here.