Junior spirit day hosted by Razorback spirit squad

By: Shelby Mills

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (UATV) – The Razorback Spirit Squads had a half-time performance that made dreams come true.

Children ages Pre-K through eighth grade were able to join the squad for a clinic where they learned skills that they later performed.

The performance was at half-time of the Razorback Women’s basketball game against Missouri on Sunday.

Razorback cheerleader, Madeline Sweatman, said that this is a great opportunity for children to get a look of what it is like to cheer for the University of Arkansas.

“It’s a great opportunity for the youth to learn a little bit about our program and really just get involved. I think it’s a great way to get excited about what’s happening here at the university and just with the cheerleaders and spirit squads,” Sweatman said.

Around 40 girls shared this experience with the cheerleaders, including sisters Kinsley and R.J Gardisser who said they had a great time at junior spirit day.

“We learned how to cheer, we learned how to call the hogs, we learned the fight song. We loved hanging out with the cheerleaders,” Gardisser said.

These girls could someday be in the shoes of the current Razorback Cheerleaders.