Statewide community flu vaccine clinic

By: Lauren Spencer 

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (UATV) – To prepare for the 2022-2023 flu season, the Arkansas Department of Health will be providing vaccines across the state. Each county health unit will host a flu vaccine clinic. 

These clinics will be a day long event. The flu shot will also be available at no charge.  People should bring their insurance cards with them to the clinic. 

The annual flu vaccine is recommended for most adults and children six months and older. The vaccine changes yearly. This year’s vaccine protects against the strain expected to cause most illnesses this flu season. 

The flu vaccine is safe and does not cause the flu. Some people will experience mild soreness and have redness near the sight of the shot. 

The flu is easily spread through coughing and sneezing and by touching something with the virus on it. Getting the flu vaccine as well as good hand washing habits are important for preventing the flu. 

The Washington Co. Health Unit vaccine clinic is on Sept. 29, starting at 8:00 A.M.