Provost’s Fellow applications open

By: Kate Balser

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (UATV)- The Office for Faculty Affairs is accepting applications for the 2022-23 Provost’s Fellow through Friday, Sept. 23rd. 

One individual will be chosen as the Provost’s Fellow to complete a project related to the priorities of the Office For Faculty Affairs. The fellow will receive a $5,000 stipend in the Fall and another $5,000 stipend will be awarded to the fellow’s original academic department in the Spring. The fellowship will last from the Fall 2022 semester to the Spring 2023 semester. 

Applicants must submit a one page proposal detailing the project they wish to execute as well as a bio detailing their experience related to the subject. All faculty applicants must be approved by their department chair, and department chair applicants must be approved by the dean. 

Applications will be reviewed by members of the Provost’s Office, Division for Diversity and Inclusion, and other academic colleges. The provost and vice provost will then choose from the top proposals and notify The Fellow selected by Oct. 15.