By: Kye Kocher
Fayetteville, Ark. (UATV) – Students can now apply to mentor elementary students for 3 credit hours in the fall. Students looking to apply must at least be in their Sophomore year, have a 3.0 minimum GPA and be able to commit 10 hours weekly.
Julia Kiefer is the program director, and she said she is excited to start this program back after 2 years of not having it. She also said students always enjoy volunteering and being buddies to younger students.
“ Our past mentors have always found it to be a really rewarding experience, and it’s really helpful for the children who are being menteed as well.”
Students who are selected for the program will be assigned to a school in Springdale, and visit their buddies for lunch twice a week. Buddies are chosen by a teacher or counselor, and most of the time it is because they are being bullied at school.
“ We have found that mentors stop students from being bullied, and that they make them look really cool. On top of that, it is also really fun for the children who sit around them at lunch.”
For more information about how to get into this course, email Julia Kiefer at