
Masks Recommended on Campus

By: Max Vanderglas  

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (UATV) — The University of Arkansas has updated the campus mask guidance from required to recommended in all indoor areas on campus, including classrooms.  

U of A Interim Chancellor Dr. Charles Robinson sent an email March 1 that the update comes after the recent shift in CDC guidance, a rise in vaccination rates, and the declining number of positive cases of campus faculty, staff and students.  

There is a mask recommended in classrooms and buildings on campus and there are still exceptions.  

Robinson said, “Pat Walker Health Center, the Speech and Hearing Clinic, and U of A Transit buses will retain a mask requirement at this time.”   

The Pat Walker Health Center Executive Director Mary Alice Serafini said she is happy with the decision to keep the mask requirement in the health center.  

“I really respect that protection in a facility where we know some people do arrive with COVID-19 and they come for testing, they come for treatment and those kinds of things.” 

As for students on campus, U of A junior Sam Chessir said he felt relieved when the mask policy was updated to recommended.   

“It’s a great step forward for our campus community to get back to a normal classroom scene. It’s important for us as students to be comfortable while learning,” Chessir said. 

The campus mask policy will stay in place for now, but is flexible to change following CDC guidance, as well as rising numbers in positive cases among students, faculty and staff on campus.