
Women’s ministry hosts faith-based influencer

By: Yael Even

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark.–Delight Ministries, a women’s ministry group on campus is hosting faith-based author and content creator, Grace Valentine, to speak at the Arkansas Union on March 1st at 7 p.m.

Valentine has over 80,000 followers on Instagram, where she writes weekly mini books. Valentine also has two paper copy books called “Am I Enough,” and “Is It Just Me.” Valentine launched her podcast, “Water Into Wine,” with her best friend in January.

Alana Essex, senior and President of Delight Ministries on campus, said she struggled to get in contact with Valentine because of her growing following. Though after some persistence, Essex reached Valentine through her manager.

“I think she does a really great job of being relatable to all women,” Essex said. “It’s kind of for Christians, but at the same time, she is relatable to literally all girls. Just having her on campus will make a huge impact.”

Essex said she is excited for what Valentine has to offer beyond the Christian community.

“She is just great at being really vulnerable,” Essex said, “and sharing just a lot about herself and how our mistakes are used to grow us. And she shares a lot of encouraging words that I think any college woman can benefit from.”

Delight began on-campus in the fall of 2021, but Essex said the group has yet to grow.

“I’m hoping this event with Grace is just going to bring more awareness of Delight,” Essex said. “And just so other girls who come to this event might hear about it and want to join a little small group or want to get involved and just meet a group of women who just want to talk about God.”

For more information on the event, scan the QR Code in this article, or visit Delight Ministries’ page on HogSync.