
City of Fayetteville brings back vaccination incentive program

By: Elena Thompson 

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark.- Fayetteville City Council passed a resolution for a vaccine incentive program offering $100 to individuals who become fully vaccinated from Jan. 18 through March 18. 

Citizens are required to become fully vaccinated during the three-month period, meaning they have to complete the two-dose Pfizer series, the two-dose Moderna series or the single dose Johnson and Johnson vaccine. 

This incentive program does not apply to booster shots. 

Residents must provide documentation of their COVID-19 vaccine cards and proof of residency (such as a driver’s license or utility bill). Those who work in Fayetteville but do not live there are still eligible for the incentive if proof of employment is provided. 

This is the city’s second vaccine incentive program; the first running last fall from Aug. 17 to Oct. 15.

Residents must be at least 18 years old to apply on their own behalf. Parents or legal guardians are required to apply on behalf of anyone under the age of 18. 

The incentive form can be found here or on the City of Fayetteville website.