
University library receives over $5 million in anonymous donations

By: Beau Russell

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – The University of Arkansas announced on Monday that $5.1 million is being donated to the Mullins Library from two anonymous donors.

Kelsey Lovewell, the Director for Public Relations for Mullins Library, said that this gift will service the library in three different ways.

First, $600,000 will go to renovating Mullins Library. Lovewell says that planning for phase two of the library has begun, although construction has yet to commence. This renovation will create space for materials processing for special collections. The new space will allow the library to curate more expansive exhibits.

Secondly, there will be a suite created for Arkansas folk and traditional arts. This will allow the library to collect and curate collections of traditional art and folk materials that will be available to university students and professors.

Finally, the majority of the donation is going to two separate positions. $3 million will go to an Endowed Dean’s Chair, and another $1.5 million will fund an Endowed Professorship in Special Collections. Lovewell made it clear that there will not be any raises given, and that the donations will allow for more of the library’s budget to be used for expansion and improvement.

The donation will not go into effect immediately, as it is part of an estate gift, so all planning is for the future. Once in effect, it will be the largest donation made by individuals to Mullin’s Library.