Faculty and Graduate Students in the School of Art Receive Artists 360 Artist Awards

By: Allyson Roach

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark (UATV) – Four members of the University’s School of Art received prestigious awards and grants.

The Mid-America Arts Alliance Artists 360 is a program that grants funding and development opportunities to artists all over Northwest Arkansas.

These awards were given to faculty members, alumni, and graduate students. The recipients include Renata Cassiano Alvarez, Junli Song, Markeith Woods, and Sean Fitzgibbon.

The Artist 360 Grant is supporting all four members in their projects that showcase, diversity and heritage, imaginary realms, narratives of life, and mythologies. Each of these artists have used their talents to tell a story.

Markeith Woods, a current graduate student and award recipient, applied for the 360 Art Award and won the award based off his work. “I have been able to be blessed different awards and competitions, but this is the first real art and grand award that I have received, and it feels really nice.” He said.  

Woods says he is excited for the future and the doors that this will open for him.