25 MPH residential speed limit set to decrease on Nov. 6

By Raegan Holland

Fayetteville, Ark. (UATV) — On Oct. 5, the Fayetteville City Council passed an ordinance amendment that lowers the default residential speed limit from 25-20.

The University of Arkansas shows support for the ordinance amendment, as there were two recent pedestrian deaths on streets surrounding the U of A campus. 

“I don’t think it will be that big of an effect because people kind of speed and they go the speed that they want,” says UA senior Mikayla Jones. “I think the only effect is gonna be that people get more speeding tickets.” 

The amendment will go into effect Nov. 6 and affect all residential streets that do not have a posted speed limit sign. Those streets with posted speed limit signs of 25 MPH or higher will remain at the posted speed limit until the signs are replaced or moved.

The Fayetteville Police Department will provide a 30-day grace period following the reduction in speed limit before issuing citations for speed violations.