The U of A helps raise awareness for Domestic Violence Month

 The University of Arkansas is helping to raise awareness for Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The month of October is dedicated to show support to anyone who has gone through any kind of domestic violence.

Thursday, October 21, the U of A in partnership with Title IX will host Purple Thursday. All faculty and staff are encouraged to wear any kind of purple and post the hashtag PurpleThursday to support those who have experienced domestic violence.

In the state of Arkansas on average 40.8 percent of women and 34.8 percent of men experience some kind of domestic violence.

According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence explains that thousands of calls are made a day from people experiencing domestic violence.

In 1987 Title IX decided to make the month of October Domestic Violence Awareness Month to help victims and survivors. They created the domestic violence hotlines for the many people experiencing domestic violence daily to call in.

Across campus in the United States many resources have been developed to help people experiencing domestic violence, sexual harassment, or stalking.

“Let’s work in solidarity for change by raising awareness to reduce domestic violence,” said Shanita Pettaway, U of A Title IX coordinator.

Here at the University of Arkansas students or faculty who are experiencing any kind of domestic violence are given three different hotlines to call.

They can call the Title IX Office, Campus Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence Center, and U of Cares. People can also call UA PD if they are in an emergency situation.