Students serves as Chancellor for the day

by Sarah Denny

Fayetteville, Ark.(UATV) – Jimmy Donlon is a marketing and management major at the U of A who served as chancellor for the day on October 18th. 

Donlon says he got to meet with new people all over campus.

”  My real goal is to tell Chancellor Robinson at the end of the day the things I’ve learned from meeting different executives and students. “

Donlon was busy in the big shoes when he attended back-to-back meetings all day. He met with U of A executives at their committee meeting, the president of the Associated Student Government and more leaders on campus. He also got the opportunity to eat with deans and other campus administrators in the Fowler House Conservatory. 

Towards the end of his day, Donlon got to hang out at the chancellor’s fourth floor suite in the administration building where he held office hours and met with students. His day wrapped up with Mr. Robinson himself where they had a meeting and photoshoot together.