5th annual pack the pantry drive

By Sarah Denny

Fayetteville, Ark.(UATV) – Every homecoming season, the Full Circle Food Pantry hosts a food drive to provide food and hygiene products for U of A students. 

This year the drive runs from October 10th through this Saturday, October 23rd. Members of greek life, residence halls, and over 40 student organizations help contribute to the drive every year. As of today, the on campus food pantry has already collected over 8,000 donations from the U of A community.

In 2019, over 23,000 donations were brought in during the Pack the Pantry event. Last year during the peak of COVID-19, over 8,000 donations were made. 

Tyler Merreighn, the food drives coordinator at the Full Circle Food Pantry, says his goal is to bring in over 20,000 donations this year.

” Anything that we get is definitely super appreciated… every single item is going to one of our clients. “

This year to accommodate for COVID-19 restrictions, the pack the pantry event allows physical and financial donations. 

Reina Watanabe, a volunteer for the Full Circle Food Pantry, says the food pantry gives students and faculty a resource for food with no questions asked.

” It helps reduce food insecurity around Fayetteville by recovering food that would otherwise be thrown away from grocery stores and dining halls and distributes it to community members. I have learned how prevalent the issue of food insecurity continues to be in Fayetteville and how organizations like the food pantry are just one way to combat such large issue. “

In 2015, the Center for Community Engagement and the Jane B. Gearhart Full Circle Food Pantry conducted a survey about food security among U of A students. The survey revealed that 38% of students have experienced low to very low food security. 

With the on campus food pantry, all U of A and UAMS students can receive food just by showing their student ID. 

Donations can be made in Gearhart Hall, all residence halls, Mullins library, the Multicultural Center, the Commuter Lounge and inside the Union. 

You can help by donating some commonly distributed items such as: canned fruits and vegetables, peanut butter, jelly, granola bars, rice, pasta, laundry detergent and hygiene products.