Student Success Center to open unified building in 2022

By Heath Anderson

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (UATV) – The Student Success Center plans to open a new building centrally located on the north side of Old Main in Spring 2022.

The center currently stations out of two different spaces.

One resides on the sixth floor in the Union, while the other sits under the parking garage on Garland Avenue.

Funding for the project came from gifts and university funding dedicated to facilities and grants.

A major source of money comes from the Walmart Foundation, which donated $5 million to help build the center.

The hope for the unified space is that it will serve all of campus as a comprehensive academic support system, with several resources to help students achieve.

The building will feature several aspects including advising studios for different majors, tutoring spaces, mental health spaces and more.

Chartwells, the campus food service company, will also provide a Starbucks along with two dining options.

Trevor Francis, director of Student Success and associate vice provost, said he is excited for new opportunities.

“The Student Success Center will feature new major and career exploration opportunities for students; new academic support initiatives like academic coaching; new college success programs like life design courses and workshops; and new dining options,” Francis said. “Student success advocates from across campus have been working for several semesters to prepare new opportunities in the new center for every student on campus.”

One goal of the center will be to eliminate achievement gaps between undergraduate students including re-enrollment, graduation rates and more.

Key objectives to the Student Success Initiative include developing career outcomes, improving the transition to college, increasing semester-to-semester retention and on-time graduation and enhancing pre-enrollment experience of incoming students.

A popular service is the writing studio where around 2,300 assignments are reviewed each year.

Student Fredi Hayes said she has seen huge benefits from being advised by a writing coach.

“I can notice a difference throughout the years [in my writing],” Hayes said.

Senior Drew Watzke said his test scores improved because of his use of the tutoring center provided by Student Success.

“A lot of test preparation, and he helped me a ton.” Watzke said.

Students also can mentor younger classmen.

Lilli Martin is a peer academic coach.

She helps students learn how to function in college, which would differ from a tutor that teaches curriculum.

“Academic coaching is more about coming up with the skills and resources necessary to help the with the content.” Martin said.

Freshman are a big demographic targeted by the center.

Seventy-two percent of first-year classes have used tutoring, supplemental instruction, and academic coaching support.

Regardless, the Student Success Center is intended for use by all students, with everything from tutoring and mentoring options for beginners, to a career development center for soon to be graduates.