
Arkansas Union hours are expected to change soon for students

By: Sydney Brooks

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (UATV) – Just in time for finals, the Arkansas Union plans to return to operating 24 hours each day while offering study spaces and rooms for university students. 

Before the pandemic this was a semesterly change to allow students time to study for end of the year exams, But following the outbreak of covid 19, the university was unable to do so the past two semesters. 

“Before we were less certain about things. It’s now more of a return to normalcy,” Said Director of the union, Dr. Rob Stagni.

Starting Wednesday on the 28th of april, rooms 507 through 511 will be open for study purposes and will be available for anyone who is looking to sit down, work on their computer, fill out homework, or study for exams. 

On dead day Friday April 29th, the building will switch over to operating 24 hours. 

“All the public areas, the building, living room, hallways, connections lounge, will be available 24 hours a day through finals.” Said Stagni.

Private study rooms will also be offered to students throughout the 3rd and 5th floor. These rooms will be for individuals who are hoping to study in a more secluded and quiet area. 

Stagni shared that the UofA employees are continuing to plan on exactly how many people will be allowed in the bigger study room on the 5th floor, but he expects there to be around a couple dozen chairs available for students. 

However, those who enter the rooms are asked to keep the chairs and tables where they are at as they will be placed ahead of time to maintain social distancing. 

Mask wearing is also expected while in the rooms. The only exception is that while students are eating and drinking they can remove their mask. 

For students who hope to reserve a private room, you can visit the Arkansas unions website under events.