Arkansas Museum hosts an on campus scavenger hunt for students

By: Sydney Brooks

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (UATV) – The University Museum is home to a collection of 7 million objects and an on campus event could bring individuals face to face with them.

To connect and educate students on the many things featured in the museum, they are hosting a scavenger hunt on campus through Friday April 30th. The event is titled, “Scavenging Through Time.”

Some of the featured materials include a billions year old meteorite and a work of art from the 1990s. 

Museum curator of education and engagement, Laurel Lamb hopes the event will provide a good activity for students to take a break from school work and enjoy the warm weather. 

“There’s a lot of resources here at the Museum. The scavenger hunt is kind of a fun way to share what we have with students.”

The Hunt has also been made to be flexible for students. While part of it requires activities on campus, the other half can be done completely online. 

“No matter where you are or what you’re up to, you can work on it whenever you want to,” said Lamb.

Every activity that students complete will automatically enter them into a raffle for a $25 Amazon gift card. 

For students who are interested in the scavenger hunt, there are signs placed across campus with details and Lamb also encourages people to visit the museum’s websites for more information.