NWA Pride plans in person parade for June

By: James Morgan

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (UATV) – Northwest Arkansas Pride is planning for an in person parade this June after a series of completely virtual events in 2020.

“We are working with the City of Fayetteville, multiple departments, including the board of health, to try to figure out how to do a safe parade this year.” said Richard Gathright, the director of NWA Pride.

Last year’s pride parade was held virtually alongside several other virtual pride events. These events happened during one of the pandemic’s peaks, so hosting the parade virtually was the only option.

The Fayetteville Board of Health met last week to discuss the logistics of hosting an in-person parade this year.

“We’re not as worried about the parade aspect of it, it’s more the spectators,” said Gathright. “So, you know it’s trying to figure out how to socially distance them.”

Gathright said holding the parade in person is even more important this year because of the trans-related legislation the Arkansas state government has been considering in recent weeks.

The Arkansas legislature has passed or is considering nine bills that relate to transgender rights, particularly concerning trans youth.

“Those bills are terrible for the community and NWA Equality has been working with the ACLU and other organizations to fight those bills in court,” said Gathright.

Gathright said NWA Pride hopes to be able to have several events in June outside of the parade to support the local LGBTQ+ community.

The current plan is to host these events virtually, but changes in local regulations could move some of them in person this June.