Spring breaks across the SEC

By: Rebekah Pipes

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark.- Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many universities across the country have canceled or reconfigured their spring break schedules for the spring 2021 semester. The University of Arkansas, for example, split its usual one-week break into three separate long-weekend breaks. Giving two days off in February, two days off in March, and one day off in April. This was done to slow down the spread of the virus by preventing students from having time to travel. 

On the other hand, some universities stuck with their original spring breaks, like Louisiana State University. Ancil Selby, a student at LSU, says he is thankful for having a whole week off of school this coming week. Selby says that while the shorter breaks make sense for keeping students safe and preventing the spread of the virus, “it is still possible that students will travel during the separated breaks just like they would if they were given a whole week off. Classes are mostly online this semester so this isn’t going to stop students from taking trips regardless.” 

Along with LSU, Mizzou and the University of Florida have a week off for spring break. Other SEC colleges extended their winter break instead of giving a spring break. 

Matthew Kogut, a junior at the University of Kentucky, got an extra week off school for winter break. Kogut expresses his concerns about removing the usual week during the semester, “I think it’s going to result in students feeling burnt out toward the end of the semester. Especially considering that many students feel discouraged about school since it has all been online.”

While Ancil and Matthew’s spring experiences differ, both shared that having a break in the middle of a semester helps them mentally and academically. Selby feels lucky to have a full week off to “pull back and assess everything that is going on this semester so that [he] can finish it off strong.”

  While the University of Kentucky, like the UofA, removed its spring break to prevent students from traveling, Kogut says many students are still choosing to travel. Kentucky gives Friday, March 26th off for a spring holiday allowing “plenty of people to travel to nearby cities during the three-day weekend, myself included,” Kogut shared. 
