George’s Majestic Lounge Mural

By: Rebekah Pipes

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark.- George’s Majestic Lounge has sat on a corner of Dickson street since 1927; entertaining Fayetteville residents and those passing by for almost a century. To honor the music played through the years, a huge and colorful mural is painted on the side of the building. 

The mural, on the east side of the stage house, was painted by Fayetteville artist Brandon Bullette. After weeks of painting the mural finished last week. Caitlin Boeker, a team member at George’s Majestic Lounge, feels this mural represents the establishment well because “George’s feels like a home and a safe place in Fayetteville for all different kinds of people. It is inviting and a special place that has been around for decades and has always welcomed all.” 

Bullette left room across the mural to continue adding to it throughout the coming years. The artists featured on the wall hold significance to George’s Majestic Lounge and Fayetteville’s music history as a whole. 

Boeker says her internship at George’s has taught her so much about the music industry. This mural represents a small part of the impact this business has had on the area. Caitlin Boeker says she is “thankful to be a part of a team that means so much to not only those on it but those throughout the city and the state of Arkansas,” says Boeker. This mural adds to the public art throughout Fayetteville. It celebrates rock, folk, blues, and many more genres of music that have been played on the George’s stage.