A new series will educate students on being an entrepreneur

By: Sydney Brooks

FAYETTEVILLE, ARK. (UATV) – The Flying Solo Series is now offered by The University of Arkansas Office of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 

The series kicks off March 23rd, and will provide students with information and tools to be “solopreneurs.” 

“It benefits people that don’t necessarily need an entire team or production line to do what they want to do but want to stay close to the work.” said Elanor Jones, a graduate assistant and co creator of the series.

This includes those who wish to be freelancers, contractors, artists or influencers. 

 Jones says being an entrepreneur gives you total control of your work. 

“You can really see your vision through and it takes away the stress of working in a larger system. It’s hard to have workplace conflict if it’s just yourself,” Jones said. 

The program will also help those who now have side jobs or hustles. 

Students will learn how to expand their business to be profitable and exist as a full time career.

Jones said the idea behind creating the program included her personal interest of art.

“I still have quite a passion for art and especially local artists. I think this speaks to that career path in particular but also to many other things as well,” she said. 

The three part series will last until April 6th.

The first part includes resources on how to build a business of one. The second will teach students about tax planning, co-working, and tips on the 1099 form. While the third part will focus on the significance of developing your brand.

Students can participate by registering through the office of Entrepreneurship website.